Early childhood training


“Through Lìa’s eyes,” an immersive experience to train early childhood professionals

Early childhood training is completed via recognised diplomas and certificates which enable learners to acquire all the skills they need to ensure a child’s safety and well-being. Today, it must subscribe to an approach which allows the understanding of children’s frustrations to be measured as this is crucial for emotional and psychological development.

To transport you behind the eyes of a child where you can observe their environment, Come in VR has developed the first immersive training programme with 2 unique experiences that will change how you see things and your relationship with children.

The educational experience “THROUGH LÌA’S EYES” is a virtual reality training module created to be integrated into a training programme focussed on adults’ behaviour towards children, with a view to preventing “MILD ABUSE

Discover virtual reality experiences for early childhood training

Then dive into the world through the eyes of a 2-year-old.

Learn about the nursery environment and the relationship with the adult.

Feel the emotions so you can learn and understand.


Observe a nursery environment through the eyes of a 2-year-old.
Become more aware of the importance of how the space is set out and the adult’s stance with the child.
Feel the relationship between size and scale.


Promote welfare and a high-quality professional approach.
Recognise caring behaviours, signs of abuse and “mild abuse”
14 scenes taken from daily life in the nursery

What are the benefits of immersive training for nursery staff ?

Professionals and/or parents can find it hard to understand or see things from the child’s point of view :

The importance of the adult’s verbal and non-verbal behaviours,

the anxiety provoking impact of “mild abuse” on the child,

the idea of dependency on the adult,

unsuitable or repetitive requests.

Help to develop a feeling of reassurance and safety within the child by :

Preventing mild abuse and respecting the child’s capabilities

when it comes to apprehension with gross motor skills when learning to walk.

Understanding the importance of how the space is laid out and the adult’s stance with the child

Why use VR (Virtual Reality) for training ?

Raise employee skill levels

Anchor knowledge through experience

Make training accessible to all

Ensure messages are taken on board twice as fast

Make training fun

Use concrete examples from daily life in the nursery

Feel the emotions and have a unique experience

Compatible use


Who are our early childhood virtual reality training tools for ?

Training organisation

You train trainees for your clients and want to reduce downtime and increase interactivity during your training

Nurseries & Communities

You want to organize a pedagogical day and observe your own professional practices, and feel strong emissions to learn and understand

School and apprentice training center

You are training in the preparation of the vocational qualification in childcare, you want to modernize learning and attract the attention of your learners with appropriate tools

Who better than our clients to tell you about their experience ?


Offering nursery staff the opportunity to take a step back into childhood in an instant, to put themselves in the body of a 3-year-old and understand what they can see, perceive and feel, and then adapt their behaviour as an adult towards the child. Becoming aware of how important the layout of the nursery is and the environment from a child’s point of view.
For me today, virtual reality is the only way to create an educational tool that meets my needs for this project. Immersive technology for education makes training accessible to anyone, anywhere.


President and Founder of LUZ CARE in Cannes


I made the choice of virtual reality to make our professionals aware of the educational expectations in the care of young children. The professional using the helmet evolves in different spaces at child height. It is an innovative, fun and interactive tool well received by teams because it differs from the usual training models that are often academic and top-down. The professional is an actor and feels emotions that will echo him in his daily life with children. »

Stéphanie FARAND

Sector Manager – LIVELI

Have a project in mind ? Want to try out immersive training ? Looking for innovative training within the early years sector ?