Immersive lifting training


A virtual reality training solution for slinging and preventing risks in the lifting industry.

Slinging is the operation that links a load to a lifting device in order to move the load. Professional slinging training is crucial. The slinger must have undertaken theoretical and practical training on slinging techniques and best practices.

Bad slinging poses a significant risk of serious accidents. Lifting has seen many accidents and they are often spectacularly dramatic. In fact, 40% of lifting accidents are due to the load becoming unattached. 52% of accidents linked to bad slinging cause hospitalisation, for reasons ranging from amputation to death in 46% of cases.

Questions worth asking to address any issues with slinging training:

  • Are you sure your employees know how to sling safely ?
  • Are your employees aware of the risks involved in slinging ?
  • Do you want an objective way to monitor their skills ?
  • How do you measure the skills of newcomers ?
  • Do you need to support and reassure your employees with their slinging skills ?
  • Do you want to test their usual practice and ensure their safety ?
slinging training

So, it’s crucial to be trained before carrying out slinging activities. This means learning to evaluate the load mass, work out its centre of gravity and choose the right lifting accessories with that in mind. The suitability of all lifting accessories used in the slinging link should be checked, including their maximum useful capacity and physical integrity. Then, it has to be attached the right way and with safety and care.

Come In VR has developed a virtual reality training solution for slinging. This immersive experience allows the learner to:

  • Spot defects on lifting accessories
  • Check the maximum useful capacity of each
  • Check the suitability of the load for different lifting accessories
  • Work out the centre of gravity on realistic loads of different sizes and shapes
  • Create a complete sling
  • Make mistakes without risking injuring themselves or those around them

Quickly memorise best practices, develop reflexes and learn safely while still being immersed in real-life working conditions.

The benefits of the VR solution for slinging training

Slinging training with virtual reality technology, has many benefits. It allows training centres or companies to use sufficient suitable material without taking up production space and using real machines. It allows them to validate skills before entering a work site. Virtual reality allows space for mistakes, without taking risks or putting the apprentice slinger and their site colleagues in a dangerous situation.

Fewer accidents

Preventing the risks involved and raising awareness of safety at work

No equipment

Doesn’t take up any space and doesn’t need a real machine, no damage to equipment


An interactive tool to make the information more attractive and less boring

Train slingers in a fun way with an immersive experience

This EL1 slinging training experience respects safety regulations.

Automatically checking equipment and lifting accessories, making good decisions by observing the environment and being aware of the risks to yourself and others.

Through 3 experiences :

Estimating the mass and centre of gravity of a load

Checking the state of slings

Choosing the right sling

With virtual reality, the learner is free from risks and can repeat the action, work on their skill and be made aware of the risks of the environment without being in physical danger.

Compatible use

Who are our virtual reality sling training tools for ?

Training organisation

You train trainees for your clients and want to reduce downtime and increase interactivity during your training

Company & Industry

You want to reduce work accidents and prevent risks by raising awareness among your employees using innovative tools

School and apprentice training center

You are training young apprentices, you want to modernize your training and attract their attention with appropriate tools

The benefits virtual reality training

Companies can get a real return on investment.

Firstly, by recreating environments and situations that are hard to recreate in real life and are often costly in terms of equipment.

The programme is replicable, there are no limits to how many times it can be used for large-scale training sessions.

Performance can be measured and compared objectively among learners.

Have a project in mind ? Interested in more information on our slinging training solution ?