Logistics risk assessment


Risk assessment in warehouses helps you to evaluate logistics safety prerequisites.

The e-commerce boom means that the role of the logistics industry is more important than ever in the economic ecosystem. It’s the 5th largest economic activity in France and the industry employs around 670,000 people. However, work accidents in warehouses are a real threat and can cost companies a lot of money. That said, accidents are almost always avoidable.

The logistics industry in France has a work accident rate that is more than two times higher than the national average, and a turnover of more than 33. With such high economic stakes, companies are making risk prevention and safety awarenessa priority.

To prevent work accidents in warehouses, Come in VR has developed an immersive risk hunt using virtual reality. It offers the ability to evaluate the safety prerequisites for a member of staff or temporary worker. It is also useful for learning good safety habits.

Why train staff or temporary workers to hunt for risks in warehouses ?

Evaluate risk awareness and capture attention

Limit risks and raise awareness of danger

Reduce work accidents and costs

Discover the logistics risk hunt experience

The aim of risk hunt

Each learner can move at their own pace with different levels.

You can choose up to 20 risks to identify, so you can make the training longer and more complicated.

The experience offers different risks, including :

Pedestrian traffic,


Equipment status

Storing pallets

People’s behaviour

Introducing the educational mission, risk hunt

The aim is to immerse the apprentice in a virtual warehouse environment where there are lots of risks.

Using the controller, they can move around in a logistics park environment, inside and outside, and identifyaccidents waiting to happen and dangerous behaviours by taking photos of the scene. The simulator gives explanations regarding right and wrong answers and supplies any clues required.

The scene is displayed on a screen or computer so that other learners can see what is happening and discuss it.

A dashboard shows an analysis of each learner’s performance.

Compatible use

VR compatible tools

Who is our virtual reality logistics risk hunting training tool for ?

Training organisation

You train trainees for your clients and want to reduce downtime and increase interactivity during your training


You want to reduce work accidents and prevent risks by raising awareness among your employees using innovative tools

Temporary work agency

You want to measure the skills of candidates before integration with your client and stand out with new technologies

School and apprentice training center

You are training young apprentices, you want to modernize your training and attract their attention with appropriate tools

Who better than our clients to tell you about their experience ?

« At Corallis professional training, we are convinced of one thing : we learn best by doing. But how can we learn by doing when the conditions simply won’t allow it or it’s no longer possible ? To adapt to our audience, to developing professions, and also to the unique conditions we are currently living through, like lockdown, we’re putting our faith in educational innovation and new technologies. Innovation can mean, for example, offering new learning situations to our apprentices, as adapted to their professional daily lives as possible. A badly placed pallet, an obstructed emergency exit, a misunderstood sign … a logistics warehouse can pose many dangers ! With “Risk hunt in warehouses” using a virtual reality headset, our apprentices learn to find the risks in their professional environment. Their experience in the training room allows them to develop safely within the company. A motivating educational activity that’s nothing like traditional learning methods ! »

Paul CAMPY - Corallis

Paul CAMPY, President of CORALLIS in Marennes

Discover other training solutions for logistic and warehouse industry


An experience that allows you to evaluate and teach driving a forklift truck. The learner can practise berthing, learn how to handle the truck and understand loading and transporting methods in total safety.


Create an event with original content aimed at preventing risks at work using virtual reality. Reinforce team cohesion and organise challenges or competitions.


360° video optimises premises tours for onboarding new employees and temporary staff. It can be carried out with a headset for total immersion, or simply on a computer.

Have a project in mind ?
Want to try out the immersive risk assessment ?