1. Website introduction.
In accordance with article 6 of law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 regarding trust in the digital economy, users of the website https://www.immersive-rh.com are informed of the identity of the different actors within the framework of its creation and monitoring:
Owner : IMMERSIVE RH SAS – SIRET 97854885700025 – FR 74978548857 – BUREAU 3, 8 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE, 13001 MARSEILLE
Editor : Sarah Chaniet – contact@immersive-rh.com
The editor is a physical person or legal entity.
Webmaster : Sarah Chaniet – contact@immersive-rh.com
Host : OVH – OVH
Credits : David Delaunay, Natacha Freneaux, Sarah Chaniet
Photos credits : Hervé Langlois
2. Terms and conditions of use for the website and services on offer.
Use of the website https://www.immersive-rh.com implies the full and complete acceptance of the terms and conditions below. These terms and conditions may be changed or added to at any time, so users of the website https://www.immersive-rh.com are invited to check them regularly.
This site can usually be accessed by users at any time. However, there may be an outage if COME IN-VR needs to carry out technical maintenance, if this happens, they will strive to communicate the dates and time of the outage to users in advance.
The website https://www.immersive-rh.com is regularly updated by Sarah Chaniet. The legal notices may also be changed at any time: they will still apply to the user, so users are invited to check them as often as possible so they are aware of any changes.
3. Description of services supplied.
The website https://www.immersive-rh.com aims to supply information about the company’s activities.
COME IN-VR strives to populate the website https://www.immersive-rh.com with information that is as exact as possible. Nevertheless, they cannot be held liable for any omissions, inaccuracies and gaps in the update, whether this is made by them or a third party who has supplied them with information.
All the information on the https://www.immersive-rh.com website is given as an indication and is subject to change. In addition, the information on the https://www.immersive-rh.com website is not exhaustive. It is given subject to any changes that may have come about since it was put online.
4. Contractual limitations on technical data.
The website uses JavaScript.
The website cannot be held liable for any material damages due to use of the site. In addition, website users agree to access the site using up-to-date equipment that does not contain viruses and with a state-of-the-art updated browser
5. Copyright and infringement.
COME IN-VR owns the copyright to or holds the user rights for all accessible elements of the website, notably texts, images, graphics, logo, icons, sounds and software.
Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication or adaptation of any part of the elements of the website, however this is done, is forbidden unless by prior written authorisation of : COME IN-VR.
Unauthorised use of the website or any of its elements will be deemed as infringement and enforced in line with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and onwards of the Copyright Code.
6. Liability limitation.
COME IN-VR cannot be held liable for any damage, whether direct or indirect, caused to the user’s equipment while accessing the website https://www.immersive-rh.com, and resulting from the use of either equipment that does not meet the specifications detailed in point 4, or the appearance of a bug or incompatibility.
COME IN-VR can also not be held liable for an indirect damage (such as the loss of business or a missed opportunity) following the use of the website https://www.immersive-rh.com.
Interactive spaces (the ability to ask questions in the contact area) are available to users. COME IN-VR reserves the right to delete, without prior warning, any content entered into this area which contravenes the applicable legislation in France, in particular the provisions of data privacy. If need be, COME IN-VR also reserves the right to give rise to civil and/or criminal liability proceedings for the user, notably in the case of racist, offensive, defamatory or pornographic messages regardless of the device used (text, photograph, etc.).
7. Managing personal data.
In France, personal data is protected under law 78-87 of 6 January 1978, law 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, article L. 226-13 of the Penal code and the European Directive of 24 October 1995.
COME IN-VR only collects relevant personal data from the user for specific services offered by the website https://www.immersive-rh.com. The user is fully aware when they provide this information, particularly as this data is entered by the user. Users of the website https://www.immersive-rh.com are informed of whether supplying this information is mandatory or not.
For further information about personal data protection please take a look at the Privacy Policy section of the website.
8. Hypertext links and cookies.
The website https://www.immersive-rh.com contains a number of hypertext links towards other websites that have been included with COME IN-VR’s approval. However, we cannot verify the content of websites visited in this way and as a result cannot be held liable for it.
Browsing on https://www.immersive-rh.com is likely to cause cookies to be installed on the user’s computer. A cookie is a small file that does not allow for the user to be identified, but records information relating to the computer’s use of a website. Data obtained in this way aims to make subsequent browsing of the site easier and also enables various frequentation measurements.
Not allowing cookies may make it impossible to access a certain service. Users can set up their computer to refuse cookies as follows:
Using Internet Explorer: under the tools tab (wheel image on the top right)/Internet options. Click on confidentiality then select Block all cookies. Confirm with OK.
Using Firefox: at the top of the browsing window click on the Firefox button then go to the Options tab. Click on the Private life tab.
Set the saving rules to: use personalised settings for history. Untick here to deactivate cookies.
Using Safari : Click on the top right of the browser on the menu image (wheel). Select settings. Click on Show advanced settings. In the “Confidentiality” section, click on Content settings. In the “Cookies” section, you can block cookies.
Using Chrome : Click on the top right of the browser on the menu image (three horizontal lines). Select settings. Click on Show advanced settings. In the “Confidentiality” section click on preferences. In the “Confidentiality” tab you can block cookies.
9. Applicable law and allocation of jurisdiction.
Any dispute relating to use of the website https://www.immersive-rh.com is subject to French law. The courts of Marseille shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
10. The main laws concerned.
Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978, modified by law 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 concerning technology, files and freedom.
Law 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on trust in the digital economy.